Lake Image Systems Brings Flexible RFID Solutions to Customers
Lake Image Systems featured in RFID Journal regarding our RFID successes in direct-mail advertising, product packaging and high-volume label printing.
Lake Image Systems has been providing the vision inspection solutions to printing, labeling and mailing companies for over 20 years. More recently, we are offering RFID technology as well, so that businesses can build passive RFID tags into their mass-produced packaging or labels at high speed.
Like barcodes, variable data encoded on the RFID needs to be accessible, accurate and error-free and matched against any printed data on associated labels, tags, and documents. Without this, the integrity of the data and the item being tracked can be lost, creating a significant business or security risk.
We partners partnered with Feig Electronics to make the deployment of RFID easier for our customers. Lake Image offers Feig readers and antennas with its own high-speed RFID encoding system that can be built into its customers’ label converter and printing equipment.
The article in RFID Journal highlights our recent direct mail client that produces direct mail with a special offers or promotions sent to a selected group of consumer based on his or her shopping or buying history while hiding all external reference to that personalization e.g. barcodes, reference codes etc. When the item is being inserted into an envelope, our solution reads the RFID chip, identifier the recipient, allowing us to inkjet the proper name and address on the envelope.