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The inline solution for 100% verification and grading of barcodes immediately after print
There are many things that prevent a barcode from scanning. Issues such as miss firing/blocked inkjet heads, and incorrect set-up and calibration can produce improperly formatted and unreadable barcodes. Laser printers may be using too much or too little toner, leading to bar width growth problems.
Verifying barcodes immediately after they are printed can save your company money through avoiding costly rework, returns, and waste and therefore safeguarding your reputation and future business.
The Multiscan Barcode Grading Tool measures specific characteristics of each barcode, compares to a benchmark, and grades it to a value ranging from (A-F or 4-0). This ANSI/ISO grade provides an indication, based on the print quality, of the likely scanning performance rate of the barcode throughout the supply chain. Typically, a barcode with a grade of A-C (or 4-3) is considered acceptable quality and is expected to be scannable anywhere and by anyone. It confirms to the barcode printer that they are producing barcodes to the required quality level.
The Barcode Grading Tool inspects, verifies, and measures a range of attributes such as edge determination, reflectance, modulation, defects within each bar/space, widths of each bar/space, decodability, quiet zone and much more and calculates its ANSI/ISO grade.
When a failed barcode is detected, a full diagnostics report is displayed with the grade for each measured parameter. The failed parameter(s) are highlighted, enabling the operator to adjust the print production process to improve the quality of the barcode. A detailed grading report also serves as proof to the end customer that the barcode has been produced to the required quality standard
MultiScan inspects, grades and validates each Mailmark™ barcode and match it against a master file. For any Mailmark™ barcodes that fail a set specification, MultiScan would instruct the inserter to divert the piece for further inspection, or flag it for an automated reprint. This allows the operator to quickly locate the problem, report it, repair it, and get the machine running again. Productivity and reporting ability is greatly improved.